Saturday, June 26, 2010

Remembering Last Year and Some Personal Thriller History

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death. Even though we had started planning our largest Thriller dance for Dragon Con in May last year, it was upon his death that Kimber and I decided we HAD to do it and we had to get it going immediately. Kimber and I were joined by Lauren and we started planning to break the world record in September for the largest Thriller dance in one place. At the time it stood at 232 dancers. We started a website, directed people to the videos on YouTube and started planning and learning the dance ourselves.

After MJ's death, the idea caught on around the world. Specifically England, Spain, and Mexico. On what would have been Michael's 50th birthday groups in these countries attempted to break the William and Mary record of 232. England had close to 500, Spain around 800 and Mexico City............brace yourself.............close to 13000. After viewing their attempts we saw that Spain did not dance the required 5 minutes for the record. England DID and we were excited that we could break this. Mexico City, while HUGE and commendable, did NOT dance the choreography according to the guidelines for the record, instead they did the 2 minute dance section from the music video. Big mistake! or so we thought. It was impressive though. Here's the video because it's something else to see that many people dancing. I can't imagine the nightmare of herding all those cats.

Pretty cool no? Given the fact that they did not follow guidelines we were sure if we got more than 500 people that it would take to beat England, we would have it and at that time we had close to that many signed up on our website.

Once we got to Dragon Con, the response was unbelievable. We had over a thousand to sign up on site. Ok, so I don't think we really realized how HUGE this thing was. I was supposed to be the one to teach the dance and of course when 500 people say they are going to learn the dance, they don't. We had less than 100 probably that knew it well enough to just rehearse and go with it the other 900 piled into the Sheraton hotel and chaos began. We took about 30 (I don't remember the exact number) that had agreed to be a dance leader and made them teachers. We spilled out of our designated space and covered the entire bottom floor of the hotel. Everywhere people were learning Thriller. We had 3 hours to teach a 6 minute choreography to 900+ people. Some showed up for the second rehearsal and those....they learned it in an hour and a half. Kimber cried tears of joy when she got down to the hotel and saw what was going on and saw how many people were dancing. Here's a teaching session/rehearsal. Notice the alien in the middle.

In the end, we had 903 people dancing Thriller. Sweaty. Exhausted. And loving it.

In the end, Guinness ended up changing their guidelines after the fact so that they could give it to Mexico. While infuriating, there are bigger problems in the world. There are also other world record granting institutions. We currently hold the record with Record Holders Republic for largest Thriller dance in one location. And that's for the whole 6 minutes.

And this is how I came to know the choreography to Thriller. Friendships were forged that day and I've never seen a better example of teamwork and perseverance. Not for something just for giggles anyway. I'd like us, as belly dancers, to come together no matter where we take classes, or what our styles are, include our family, our friends and make new friends and create something we'll remember.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Intro and Save the Date!!!!!

Hello and welcome to Thrill the World 2010 Chattanooga Fringe. Fringe because we are in cahoots with the 2nd annual Fringe Benefit, brain child and fundraiser put together by the lovely ladies of Mirabai and well, because we are belly dancers.

All official information will be posted here in this blog so check back often.

Learn all about Thrill the World at Last year's worldwide event had almost 23,000 participants in 32 countries!

The Fringe Benefit will take place on October 22. Details to be announced. Our "chapter" of Thrill the World will occur Saturday Oct. 23 at 7pm at a location to be announced.

If you are interested, you must be a belly dancer in the North Ga./Chattanooga area or friends or family of a belly dancer (others may be considered on a individual basis*. Just drop us a line.) The goal here is to bring our little community together with a common purpose. So many times we stick with our troupes or schools or even our styles, and we don't get to know each other. Come join us, laugh with us, sweat with us, and raise money for women's charities. Also imagine how cool you'll be breaking out in dance when you hear Thriller at parties the following weekend.

Workshops to learn Thriller are to be announced soon. They will take place at Zanzibar Studio in downtown Chattanooga and they will be donation based with 100% of the proceeds going to this year's charity.

If you are interested please email your name and info to When workshops are scheduled you will be emailed and also stay tuned here for developments. Instructional videos are still available on YouTube so check them out and get ahead of the game.

We will be learning the 3 minute version. More on that later. Even though costumes are not required to participate, they always make things more fun, so let's try to do it up right. :) More on that later too.

Save the date and get ready to THRILL!

*if you are someone that has danced at a Thriller record attempt before or if you are someone that is curious about learning to dance please feel free to join us. You may just find a new love and find yourself in a dance class in the future.