Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rehearsal Schedule

The following is a list of rehearsal dates. The goal here is for you to make as many as you can, with the October ones being the most important. Nothing will be different then, it's just close to the event date.
  • Sunday Aug. 29 (1-2) @ Northshore Yoga
  • Sunday Sept. 19 (1-2) @Northshore Yoga
  • Sunday Oct. 3 (1-2) @Northshore Yoga
  • Sunday Oct. 17 (5-6) *Coolidge Park
You do not have to attend every rehearsal. I am well aware of all that is going on between now and then. Hit as many as you can and of course run through it on your own when you can. If you have another dance rehearsal, just do a quick run of Thriller on the end of that rehearsal.

Rehearsals will be one hour. We'll go dance the dance several times and talk about costumes if you want.

There might be other outdoor rehearsals as the weather cools. We'll just play that by ear.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

One More Workshop!

Many thanks to Lacy Dickerson at Zanzibar Studio for letting us hold the last two workshops in her beautiful studio. I've been going to Zanzibar off and on for the last 5 years and can't say enough about it. I love it.

And we have outgrown it! Northshore Yoga has been so kind to offer us rehearsal space! I'll post the schedule soon. Also, we will be having one more workshop on Sept. 12, 1-3pm there at Northshore. If you have yet to make it to a workshop please come. Otherwise it's the videos for you! You MUST learn the dance before you come to a rehearsal. We will be running the whole dance from start to finish during rehearsals and will not be teaching steps.

The workshop is donation based and rehearsals are free. Our charity we are supporting is The Partnership for Women, Children and Families. Specifically their Domestic Violence Program.

We are up to 35 dancers!

Rock and Roar!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

First Workshop is this Sunday, August 8th!

1-3 pm. Remember to bring water. You may attend this workshop or the 2nd one (August 15th)

For those learning via the videos (or to just get a good primer):

part 2 (warming up)

Part 3 some basic "zombie" moves

Part 4 more talk about Thrill the World

Part 5 demo of the full dance (full speed)

See you Sunday! Roar!!!!!!!