It's time to start learning. Workshops will be held Sunday August 8 and Sunday August 15 1-3 pm at Zanzibar Studio. Attendance at only one workshop is necessary. We will cover everything in the 2 hours. Donation based with all proceeds going to this year's Fringe Benefit charity which is still to be announced.
Why are we doing it so early? The reason is simple. Everyone is busy busy. And also many are working creating and rehearsing for other performances and events. So, we will learn early and rehearse casually up until the event. It won't be necessary to come to every rehearsal, just make a couple of them and the final one, which will be a week prior to the event. When you are rehearsing for whatever show you have coming up, tack Thriller onto the end.
If you can make it to one of the workshops, please attend. If you absolutely can NOT make it on one of those Sundays, there are a couple of other options.
1. Learn the choreo on your own with the Thrill the World videos that are available on YouTube. It MUST be the Thrill the World choreography ie: don't pull up the music video and try to go from that. What we will be doing is a standard, simplified version of the original choreo that is easily learned by all. Even the non-dancer. Mike and I taught ourselves in the basement. It's really easy.
2. contact me and we'll work something out. This is a last resort though as I may not be available but I will try to get everyone taught.
Things to know before you commit to the event.
Video: The dance will be videoed and put up on YouTube. This is TTW requirement. It shows the world that we actually did do the dance. So, if you are in a witness protection program or just embarrassed by your own dancing, be aware of this. You can always wear a costume and no one will eeeeeeever know. ;p
Costumes: Costuming is encouraged but not required to participate. Zombie it up or pick something from a horror movie. Have fun. A little tip: zombies stumble around and such. GREAT costume for dancing. You mess up? well, you MEANT to do it. I'll post tips for costuming when it gets closer to the event.
Time: this won't be a quick event. Sure, the dance itself is 3 minutes long but you will need to be on site at the venue at least a couple of hours early. Reason being that you must be registered, sign the log book, do a run through (test out those costumes...nothing ruins a night like getting hit by someones runaway severed arm), and be in place before Thrill Time. The logbook will close at 6:30. No exceptions.
Prior to the event: If you are doing workshops or exercise that day you know your body and how much you can push it. If you are not in shape for it please do not go do a floorwork workshop or 100 squats and then come dance. Don't wear yourself out. Only you know what you can do.
Goal of this event:
Yes, we'll be adding Chattanooga to the roll call for the worldwide event and raising money for charity but one of the biggest things is we will be working together as a community. It's a great chance to get to know your sisters in dance that may take classes somewhere else and do different styles.
At the moment, it is looking like the event will be all ages. Invite your children or your husbands and boyfriends to dance with us. You do not have to be a dancer to learn the dance. That's the beauty of it...well as beautiful as dancing zombies can be.
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